
Monday, November 4, 2013

Critical thinking books: women surpass men

Critical thinking books: women surpass men

New research shows that women are more analytical than men, that they have surpassed men in IQ scores for the first time, and they are already better at emotional intelligence (see links below for proof). This means women are besting men in some very important areas. Men had better pay attention.

Never has critical thinking been more important to succeed in life and career, but most people are foggy about what it really is. If women study critical thinking explicitly, they can gain a rapid and significant edge over male counterparts because they will enhance already keen analytical and reasoning skills – key to becoming even better decision makers and problem solvers.
And thinking is like any skill; to be top notch, it must be studied and practised. But few people study or practise how to think better. Women can secure and build on their leadership advantages by combining qualities in two areas of intellect. They are already acknowledged as having superior emotional intelligence (self awareness, empathy, humility), but add to that the ability to deliberately, on command, think analytically, strategically and creatively, and you will find men playing catch up.

And don’t forget patience. Men, in general, are quite impatient and more inclined toward immediate rewards -- this negates attempts to think critically because analysis and reasoning take time. The glass ceiling is getting some serious cracks.

To become a habitual critical thinker, see this new eBook that details the sequences and processes used by excellent thinkers. They aren't secrets, but so few people know about them, or do them routinely, that they may as well be. Check out the free preview at, but the book is available everywhere.

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