
Friday, November 1, 2013

Critical thinking books: a path to change your life

Do you want to be happier in life, advance more quickly in your career, and profit more in business?  How about make better decisions and solve problems with more confidence? 

If you answered “yes,” you're in good company...who doesn't! But, to get there, think about how you think, because the way you think holds the key. Thinking better means thinking critically and it isn't difficult to add a supercharger to your brain.

Remarkably, few people think about how they think. We tend to focus on thinking outcomes: decisions, plans, conclusions, and judgments. But these are the latter stages of thinking, so if we do those first, the focus is backwards and responsible for results that aren’t always optimal. Read on for more details about what's in these new critical thinking books. 

What we all need to know about are the steps and structure of critical thinking; it's a power process that each of us can easily follow. And the steps aren’t particularly complicated. In fact, they can be summed up in just a few bullet points:

  • INTERPRETATION -- accurate interpretation of words and concepts in the correct context. We think in words, but people often have partial, or even inaccurate interpretations of what words really mean, like the following, for instance
  • ANALYSIS -- most people think analysis just means to consider something carefully, to read it and then think about what they've read. That isn't analysis at all. Analysis means to carefully dissect something in order to understand every word and nuance to see how all the pieces fit together. Analysis takes a lot of time, so people in a hurry don't like to do it. An example of analysis would be to make the right decision about selecting a cell phone plan and to then look at every plan available in minute detail, weighing all factors against others to be able to make an objective judgment about which is best in terms of service, price, flexibility, etc. etc. This could take days to really do thoroughly.
  • REASONING -- most people think reasoning has to do with giving reasons or with being reasonable. Actually, when we want to apply reason we should immediately think facts, evidence and research. Reasoning should not be subjective, it should be based on quantifiable evidence.
  • INFERENCE -- we make inferences all the time about other people and situations, often without any facts, thus we aren't being reasonable. Informed inferences mean gathering information and not making assumptions. Hasty, inaccurate inferences get us into a lot of trouble.
  • LOGIC -- is actually a combination of four critical thinking steps: analysis, reasoning, rationality, and judgment. Judgment is, or should be, a 13-stage process, and rationality, from Latin, “ratio,”meaning reason; when rationality is present we can claim, and will be seen by most others, to say or do things based on good reasoning and this reasoning, in turn, will be judged as ''good,'' only if we have supportive and verifiable facts and evidence, and if it is believed that we have made every effort to think and research objectively.
  • SYNTHESIS -- means to bring all the pieces together so the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. A bicycle assembly schematic, for e.g., could be seen as an analysis of the machine, but once it's assembled, that's synthesis and obviously a lot better than 200 pieces on the floor.
That's just a very quick overview of what eveyrone should know, and do, with specific thinking words. The trouble with thinking better is simply that most people don’t really know what is involved to do it more effectively. Many think thinking just happens organically and that we can do it better by bearing down or by thinking harder (whatever that means).
See video on a powerful thinking sequence:

Another important point from the start: thinking is not the same as intelligence. Thinking is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved. It’s comparable to getting your body in shape. No one doubts that physical conditioning requires time to learn routines; it’s the same with thinking, except they are mental routines. But, if you don’t know what you don’t know, you can’t do them. Critical thinking doesn’t come naturally to anyone.

Many of us learn more about thinking processes if we pursue higher education where higher order thinking skills are covered. But, why wait if obtaining these skills sooner will help now? Critical thinking tools include:
  • the thought process works when it’s well managed (and when it’s not)
  • improved understanding of our thinking sequence/process brings about much improved outcomes that benefit us in all walks of life
  • to systematically audit your thinking to ensure that none of the components of higher order thinking are overlooked and that exploration of the parts is comprehensive and done conscientiously to produce detailed analysis, coherent synthesis, defensible reasoning, logical inference, creativity, sound judgment, constructiveness, and connectiveness
  • to employ personal candor about psychological landmines that often derail us
  • to ask better questions; our brains are questioning machines, but we often ask questions subconsciously and without critical analysis of their depth or quality. You’ll learn that there are six levels to question sophistication so you can ask better questions routinely. Einstein said questioning skills were the secret to his success.
  • memory works and how to make yours better
  • to make better plans, decisions, and judgments (and do these better AFTER employing the thinking “parts” in the right sequence
  • to create a strategic life plan using a process similar to that employed by successful corporations (works for life, too!)
  • to be more persuasive by expanding your persuasion arsenal with 21 specific tactics and strategies (this is hugely beneficial)
  • organizational patterns can improve your communication power
Thinking is the most important thing we do in life. Our thinking determines our levels of competency in the work world and, to a great degree, the way we think determines if we succeed or fail in life, or if we are happy and fulfilled, or frustrated and overwhelmed. Thinking better can mean health, wealth, and happiness.

Many people equate thinking with breathing; they do it, but assume it’s a natural process and not something that can be orchestrated or deliberately structured. Rather than questioning the adequacy of specific thinking skills and approaches in challenging situations, many people believe that they face difficulty simply because they lack information.

It’s often true that more information is needed, but more information can actually be part of the problem. It’s making better use of information is just as important.

"This book is filled with useful information that is helpful in making life decisions--at work, in school, or at home. It is a practical step-by-step guide to critical thinking that brings greater self awareness. If the reader applies the steps in daily activities, choices can be made clearly and consciously. Students who have read this book have often commented to me on how happily surprised they were at learning and using the information in everday situations. Think Well & Prosper is an excellent read with the potential to change the way you approach thinking."                                                                               --Randall Cannon 

This Guide to Critical Thinking is available at all online eBook retailers, and its just-released companion book, Think Well & Prosper Critical Thinking: A Staff Training Guide, is available only at Here is the link to all of Steve Bareham's books:

Available at

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